Journey into spring
따스한 봄기운이 온 세상에 가득 퍼집니다. 꽃들이 저마다 아름다운 자태를 드러내며 활짝 피어났습니다. 봄 꽃들이 주인공 캐릭터로 봄나들이를 하는 우리의 모습을 투영하면서 기차를 더해 조금은 특별한 봄의 여행을 표현했으며, 펠트 질감의 텍스쳐로 봄의 포근함과 꽃가루처럼 간질간질한 느낌을 더했습니다. 봄이 선사하는 다채로운 풍경 속에서 설렘 가득한 봄날의 행복한 나들이를 즐겨보세요.
The warm spring breeze fills the world, as flowers bloom in full, each revealing their own radiant beauty. By portraying spring flowers as the main characters, we reflected our own spring outing, adding a train to create a uniquely special spring journey. The felt-like texture conveys the cozy warmth of spring, along with a playful, tickling sensation reminiscent of floating pollen. Enjoy a delightful spring outing filled with excitement as you immerse yourself in the vibrant landscapes that spring has to offer.
큐브 플랫폼은 네 개의 면으로 구성되어 있으며, 두 면의 중심점을 기준으로 약 7m 거리에 성인 평균신장을 기준으로 3D 카메라를 셋팅하여 아나모픽 뷰를 구현하였습니다. 각 콘텐츠별로 포인트가 되는 아나모픽의 입체감을 느낄 수 있습니다.
The cube platform is composed of four faces. Using the center points of two faces as a reference, 3D cameras are set up approximately 7 meters apart, based on the average adult height, to create an anamorphic view. This setup allows viewers to experience the three-dimensional depth of key anamorphic elements in each piece of content.
The cube platform is composed of four faces. Using the center points of two faces as a reference, 3D cameras are set up approximately 7 meters apart, based on the average adult height, to create an anamorphic view. This setup allows viewers to experience the three-dimensional depth of key anamorphic elements in each piece of content.
Clients Lotte P&D
Directed and Produced by ifworks
Dandelion design / setup / animation Noh Wul
Tongtong Autumn Friends
With autumn, our friends grew plump!
오곡백과가 무르익는 계절 가을. 통통한 쌀알에 고개가 숙여진 벼, 꿀을 많이 먹어 배가 빵빵해져 날기 힘든 꿀벌, 거대한 도토리에 숙여해진 다람쥐, 살찐 달이 떨어지지 않으려 구름을 잡고 버티는 등 가을 친구들의 여러 위트있는 상황들과 액션을 통해 가을의 풍요로움을 표현했습니다.
Autumn, the season of abundance when all crops and fruits ripen. We depicted the richness of fall through various witty scenarios: rice stalks bowing under the weight of plump grains, bees struggling to fly after gorging on honey, squirrels weighed down by enormous acorns, and a chubby moon holding onto clouds to avoid falling.
Autumn, the season of abundance when all crops and fruits ripen. We depicted the richness of fall through various witty scenarios: rice stalks bowing under the weight of plump grains, bees struggling to fly after gorging on honey, squirrels weighed down by enormous acorns, and a chubby moon holding onto clouds to avoid falling.
큐브 플랫폼은 네 개의 면으로 구성되어 있으며, 두 면의 중심점을 기준으로 약 7m 거리에 성인 평균신장을 기준으로 3D 카메라를 셋팅하여 아나모픽 뷰를 구현하였습니다.각 콘텐츠별로 포인트가 되는 아나모픽의 입체감을 느낄 수 있습니다.
The cube platform is composed of four faces. Using the center points of two faces as a reference, 3D cameras are set up approximately 7 meters apart, based on the average adult height, to create an anamorphic view. This setup allows viewers to experience the three-dimensional depth of key anamorphic elements in each piece of content.
The cube platform is composed of four faces. Using the center points of two faces as a reference, 3D cameras are set up approximately 7 meters apart, based on the average adult height, to create an anamorphic view. This setup allows viewers to experience the three-dimensional depth of key anamorphic elements in each piece of content.
Clients Lotte P&D
Directed and Produced by ifworks
3D Artist Noh Wul
Snowman′s here.
Snowman′s here.
A wish that shines like snowflakes.
올겨울, 월드타워 광장 큐브에 이사 온 눈사람. 혼자 노는 것도 재밌지만 어딘가 느껴지는 외로움은 어쩔 수 없어요. 눈사람의 소원인 친구 만들기는 과연 이루어질까요? 눈꽃처럼 반짝이는 소원이 이루어지기를 바라며, 눈사람과 쿠키맨의 큐브 속 겨울 이야기를 만나보세요.
This winter, a snowman has moved into the cube at world tower plaza. Playing alone can be fun, but there’s no escaping the loneliness that lingers. Will the snowman’s wish for a friend come true? Join us in the cube to discover the winter tale of the snowman and the cookie man, and may their wishes sparkle like snowflakes.
This winter, a snowman has moved into the cube at world tower plaza. Playing alone can be fun, but there’s no escaping the loneliness that lingers. Will the snowman’s wish for a friend come true? Join us in the cube to discover the winter tale of the snowman and the cookie man, and may their wishes sparkle like snowflakes.
“A snowman has come to visit Lotte world mall”
큐브 플랫폼은 네 개의 면으로 구성되어 있으며, 두 면의 중심점을 기준으로 약 7m 거리에 성인 평균신장을 기준으로 3D 카메라를 셋팅하여 아나모픽 뷰를 구현하였습니다. 각 콘텐츠별로 포인트가 되는 아나모픽의 입체감을 느낄 수 있습니다.
The cube platform is composed of four faces. Using the center points of two faces as a reference, 3D cameras are set up approximately 7 meters apart, based on the average adult height, to create an anamorphic view. This setup allows viewers to experience the three-dimensional depth of key anamorphic elements in each piece of content.
The cube platform is composed of four faces. Using the center points of two faces as a reference, 3D cameras are set up approximately 7 meters apart, based on the average adult height, to create an anamorphic view. This setup allows viewers to experience the three-dimensional depth of key anamorphic elements in each piece of content.
Clients Lotte P&D
Directed and Produced by ifworks
3D Artist Noh Wul